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The Word Of God

So many women are hurting and are beat down by the stress and pressures of life, by the relationships they are in and out of, and the layers of guilt and shame that has become so much a part of them . Many are Christians. Being a Christian does not mean that we will not have pain, sorrow, suffering...What it does mean is that we have a Savior who died for us and through His death and resurrection we have a right to salvation, peace, joy and every promise in the Word of God that has been reserved for us who believe. We do not have to allow the enemy to have his way with our spouses, children, jobs, health, finances, ...

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, no matter how impossible it may seem, that if we truly study the Word of God so that we can apply it to each and every situation we can and will be delivered. God is able and He is on your side. He is greater than your problem and He is not a man that He should lie. His promises are sure.

So how do we learn to trust that God will never leave us nor forsake us? We must know His word. We have to stand on His word. We have to pray according to His will that is found only in His word. We must encourage each other in the Word. Our hearts and minds must long for intimacy with God through diligently seeking His word.

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word (rhema) that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4

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