Healing the Body, Soul and Spirit
Healing the Body, Soul and Spirit
The life of everyone that is touched by No Soul Left Behind Ministries will be forever changed to emulate the love of Christ in all of their relationships; they will walk in the love of Christ and lavish it on their fellow man.
Everyone will have a God-fearing sister or brother in their life as a covenant partner who can be trusted to love unconditionally and without judgment, feel the struggle and the pain, encourage them in the Word of God, and refuse to leave them by the wayside of life.
Men and women will freely share their testimonies of the goodness of God in their life and how they were delivered from the bondage of the enemy and overcame him through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of another’s testimony.
Men and women will grow in grace, mercy and love as they seek to find themselves in the Word of God and become all that God has called them to be. They will be transformed by the renewing of their mind through their avid study and application of the Word of God.
Men and women will no longer be content to watch another lose their soul, be broken, or feel unloved, ashamed, guilty, or worthless. They will carry the burden for one another in supplication and earnest prayer.
Men women will no longer tear each other down; use their tongues to destroy another person's hopes, dreams, ministry, joy or peace.
Men and women will no longer allow themselves to be denigrated, cheapened, abused, used or misused by any human being and will walk in their authority and integrity
Men and women will truly know who they "BE" in Christ and will pursue their calling - their grace gift - and be active in the restoration of the Body of Christ as this generation's remnant preparing her for the second coming of Jesus Christ
We will do this until...No man or woman is left behind...then we will all rise again to the Glory of God the Father!